Sunday, September 16, 2018

#0013 - Constance LeDuc, Founder of Chuckle House - The Guild of Fools

I was a fan of Magic: The Gathering when I was younger and really liked the Ravnica set. It was all centered around the Various guilds that relied on two types of colored Mana.
I kinda wanted something like that in my fantasy world. There are many types of magic and potion making and one skill may help you in another field.

The skills learned at Chuckle House are much more than acting and common tomfoolery. Prestidigitation, Teleportation, Transmogrification, Levitation, Gigantification, Influencing Incantations and a host of other skills (that may or may not end with 'ation'), will help pupils fool those who let their guard down with ease.

"Les opportunités se jettent aux pieds de ceux qui maîtrisent l'art de agissant le fou."

-Constance LeDuc

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