Sunday, September 16, 2018

#0011 - Lorma

The Lorma took quite a design shift from my original drawings from 9 years ago. They were called the Laybu back then and had a much more cartooney look to them. Short, stunted arms and legs, as well as a goofy looking nose.
Needless to say, I am much happier with this result. I changed the name from Laybu because I thought it was just a little too obvious that it was simply "Ladybug" with the 'D' and 'G' missing.
As a sidenote to that; doing a little research I found that scientists refer to them as Ladybird Beetles as 'Ladybugs' aren't technically bugs. The more you know...or something.

I based the colors for the Lorma on those that occur naturally in real world Ladybirds/Ladybugs.

Bestiary Description:
Not only are Lorma swift and agile, but have a high endurance for extended flights. They can fly almost 1,100 meters into the sky before the air becomes to thin for them to breathe.
They can keep pace with even the fastest purebred Racehorses and can lift almost 50 times their own weight.
They have adapted to speaking most Humanoid languages and use this to gain employment in highly populated areas.

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