Friday, August 31, 2018

#0005 - Ictus Incubator

I'm a big fan of the first three Silent Hill video games (as you could probably tell from my Google account), and the Ictus are definitely inspired by those creatures designed by Masahiro Ito. 

                       Image result for insane cancer
Insane Cancer  (Silent Hill 3) designed by Masahiro Ito

The Ictus are faceless, fleshy monstrosities that manifest in the outside world by escaping the worst dreams of the subjects of Portentia. I decided to make them all follow a few similar themes. For instance, their names all end with an er/or sound (Incubator, Skulker, Hanger etc.). They also have no color variants.
I wanted them to feel alien to the real world. You have other creatures that naturally adapt to their environment, but the Ictus have no such instinct and choose instead to change the environment to fit them.

The Ictus Incubator was made to look like a defeathered hen, tying its design into the name of Incubation. Its stomach houses a random species of Ictus that it "gives birth to" upon its death. When the Incubator expires, the creature inside its stomach will spring to life and continue to the same location the Incubator was attempting to go, after attacking the one who slayed its carrier of course. 

Bestiary Description:
Incorporeal beings that are found only in one's worst nightmares, the Ictus have found a way to leave the dreamland in which they reside to enter the world of the living and spread their infection. Large greenish/yellow pustules and boils cover their bodies. This is the fuel that keeps them moving and the tool they use to allow others of their kind to enter our world. 
If lanced properly, this lack of nightmare fluid ceases their motor functions, making it easier to dispose of them, however, spilling the liquid on the ground corrupts the earth allowing these creatures to slip through into the real world, even during daylight hours. Only when subjects stop sleeping and the bile is scrubbed clean can their onslaught truly be stopped. At least until tomorrow night...

#0004 - Wisparade

The idea behind this piece was a 'Will-O-Wisp' that was a serpent or something. It's a Wisp with a long gaseous tail parading behind it. A 'Wisp-Parade', if you will. Clever, right?
I have dabbled in more 'Realistic' drawings in the past, but I don't care for it. The real world has enough trouble going on, I want an escape from that. That's why I continue with the cartooney-style.

I like fantastical lands filled with absurd beings. Be they Cat-people, giant clay monsters or living dust-bunnies, I like allowing the mind to wander and allow it to "Do" before "Thinking" to hard about it.

Bestiary Description:
Wisparade's are the result when an enchantment breaks from the item it was placed on. Rings, Books, Masks or Swords, when a spell loses its hold on the material it was cast to, it turns into this creature with the last remnants of power it possesses. The item will gain a mind of its own and will spew forth a long trail of colored smoke behind it as it tries to grapple with it's newfound sentience, usually it violent ways...before it ultimately burns itself out.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

#0003 - Gucta

I may be in the minority on this issue, but I don't much care for Butterflies. I like Caterpillars way more. I find the journey much more important rather than the destination.
Plus, I like drawing tiny, little legs as well as chunky bodies. 

Simple as that.

Bestiary Description:
Residing deep in the heart of most forested areas, Gucta  are a quite, peaceful species of Caterpillar-Humanoids who flee from most confrontations. Their forelimbs can extend to twice the length of their bodies, which they use to more quickly scale trees to forage for food. When unable to flee from danger, the spots dotting their bodies release a powerful toxin that can incapacitate most any creature that breathes air.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

#0002 - Cawith

The naming conventions behind most of my drawings are simply taking two words, possibly trimming off a letter or two, and pasting them together. So it is with the Cawith (pronounced with a short 'a'), my Cat With a Horn. "Cat" and "With". Remove the first 't': Cawith.

I was partially inspired in its design by the Orc designs in the Rankin-Bass Hobbit productions. Really in just some of the facial features. Cawith also was initially #0009, but just like the Gelee, made the way up that scale (replacing other drawings that I felt needed working on).

Another of my inspirations you will come to find out is "Pallette Swapping" that goes on in most Turn-Based Role Playing Games. It may have been a fairly cheap cost cutting measure back in the day, but I grew a fondness for finding creatures almost identical to those you found earlier, but this rat is pink now!


In that same regard, I made a few various biome changes between the Cawith. You have the Evergreen version in the Emerald Forest, Warm and earthy fall tones from the Cawiths in the Autumn Grove, and the smoldering wooden horns of the Cawiths from the Cinder Thicket


Bestiary Description:
With a horn-like timber growing directly from the tops of their heads, Cawiths are the certain kinds of cat you don't want crossing your path. Their horns grow fairly quickly after reaching maturity, usually growing to full-size within about five days. Meaning, when they aren't hunting prey or defending their nests, they are found sharping their horns against rocks and other trees so as the bring the tips of their horns to fine points

#0001 - Gelee

Maybe it's cheating a bit, but finding Blobs and Snakes is really easy when you are drawing from scribbles. But, that's why I try to make them all look as unique as I can so they don't all end up as boring jelly monsters and serpents. Instead of a simple Jelly Cube or something, I made it look kind of like a snowman made from strawberry jam. For extra Character, I added a drooping face, like an aging Jack-O-Lantern.

The Gelee didn't start out as #0001 on my list, but I took a liking to it after I didn't much care for my initial first drawing for the challenge (I did do an overhaul redesign later down the line. see #0238 - Roostonda at a later date).

My Younger self decided to have a theme for the drawings I would create and went with a fantasy-type setting, so I will keep that going: Strange creatures are often found all over the Kingdom of Portentia, but their appearance has increased twofold in just a matter of weeks. Is this simply an overpopulation event that needs culling, or is something more sinister afoot?

They even come in six delicious fruity flavors!

Bestiary Description:
Gelee are gelatin-like creatures that can appear virtually anywhere water naturally occurs, but these creatures are far from natural. Ages ago, an evil wizard formulated a powder that could be added to liquids to spawn jelly monsters that would do his bidding. However, he accidentally dropped the caplets down a well and the Gelee have run rampant ever since. 
All it takes is 1.oz of this Gelee powder to convert a 3-Liter Water basin into a full-sized Gelee. They don't feel pain, and if sliced in two, they simply form themselves into a smaller version of their "Natural" form.
If they stray too far from a water source, they dry out and turn back into the powdered substance.


Hello, I'm Tambourine.

I've been drawing since I was about 6 years old and have always tried to challenge myself to always be better.
Be it learning to draw digitally, drawing a unique monster based on the vowel letters in the English alphabet (and sometimes 'Y'), or any other challenges I can come up with.

When I was 19, I decided to give myself the most ambitious challenge yet: To create 1,001 Unique Creatures, People or Animals using "Scribbles".

Much like a Rorschach test of looking at blobs and describing what they look like, I would ask friends, family, strangers...whoever really, to jot down some scribbles for me. 
I would plan to peruse peoples' penned prose put down on pieces of parchment and purloin the perceived pictures by peering upon them.

I'm not 19 anymore and I never did finish my goal. However, I decided to start up this blog and begin again where I left off. I have unfortunately lost many of my earlier drawings and scribbles (wasn't the best archivist at 19), but that won't stop me from trying to reach 1,001 Drawings.